An official citizenry school
We offer innovative, unique CPE programming that feature online CPE groups, African-centered curriculums, LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, along with social justice-oriented and digital ministry clinical site placements. 
online courses
All group sessions, individual supervision sessions and workshops are offered online.
diverse learning settings
Students may choose a social justice/activism venue to provide spiritual care ministry to fulfill their clinical hours.
digital ministry
Digital ministries such as “Telechaplaincy” and online worship services are offered as new learning opportunities.

Years experiences

Enrolled Learners

Sankofa-Sponsored Courses

What is the meaning of Sankofa?

The term “Sankofa” represents three distinct meanings which influence the objectives of Sankofa CPE Center. First, Sankofa represents the belief that it is important to “learn from the past”. Sankofa is a word in the Twi language of Ghana that translates to “Go back...” The symbol of Sankofa is referenced by the Asante Adinkra symbol which is an image of a bird with its head turned backwards while its feet face forward.
Sankofa cpe Center, llc

About the Director


Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro is the Founder, Executive Director, and ACPE Certified Educator at Sankofa CPE Center, LLC. She is certified by ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education. She was also board certified in the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC). Rev. Dr. Buhuro is an ordained clergy with ministerial standing in the Illinois Conference’s Chicago Metropolitan Association of the United Church of Christ (UCC) and the Director of Movement Chaplaincy at Faith Matters Network.

Sankofa Objectives: #1

The curriculum of the center is grounded in Family System Theory and specifically highlights the theories of Na’im Akbar and Nancy Boyd-Franklin. Utilizing the clinical method of learning, students are also invited to “go back” and reflect on encounters with their “patients” in their unique site learning contexts which also speaks to the Pastoral Reflection learning goal of ACPE’s Level I and Level II programs.

Objective #2

Invite students to retrieve “golden nuggets” from their personal history that will help them to develop or further enhance their pastoral identity, which also speaks to the Pastoral Formation learning goal of ACPE’s Level I and Level II programs.

Objective #3

Invite students to ever evolve and continue growing in the provision and demonstration of meaningful inter-religious spiritual care skills, which also speaks to the Pastoral Competence learning goal of ACPE’s Level I and Level II programs. Sankofa CPE Center also specifically incorporates the ACPE objectives and outcomes of Level I and Level II Programs.