The Top 8 Reasons to Embrace Self-Paced, On-Demand Learning this Summer

May 28 / Dr. Lindsay Andreolli-Comstock

Summer isn’t just a time for sunbathing, vacations, and relaxation. It’s also the perfect time to dive into self-paced, on-demand learning.

At The School of Global Citizenry, we believe that lifelong learning is a journey that doesn’t take a break—especially during the vibrant, energetic summer months.

Below are listed the top 8 reasons why adult learners should consider making the most of this season for their personal and professional growth.
#1 - Flexibility and Freedom

One of the most appealing aspects of self-paced, on-demand learning is the flexibility it offers. Summer often brings a change in routine. Whether you’re balancing family vacations, social events, or simply enjoying longer days, having the ability to learn at your own pace allows you to fit education seamlessly into your schedule. With our diverse range of courses, you can learn whenever and wherever it suits you, making the most of those relaxed summer afternoons or quiet evenings.

#2 - Maximize Downtime

Summer can sometimes mean a slowdown at work, providing the perfect window to focus on personal development. Instead of letting your skills stagnate this summer, use this downtime to advance your own knowledge and interests. Engaging in our online courses can help you stay mentally stimulated and ready to tackle new challenges when the busy season returns.

#3 - Stay Competitive in Your Field

In today's fast-paced world, continuous learning is essential to stay competitive. Industries are constantly evolving, and acquiring new skills can give you a significant edge in the market. Whether it’s mastering a new software, understanding global trends, or enhancing leadership capabilities, courses at The School of Global Citizenry are designed to keep you ahead of the curve.

#4 - Pursue Personal Passions

Summer is the ideal time to explore subjects that pique your interest but fall outside your professional sphere. Our self-paced courses cover a wide array of topics, from inclusion and spirituality to creative writing and personal wellness. By indulging in these interests, you not only enrich your life but also gain fresh perspectives that can indirectly benefit your life and career.

#5 - Boost Your Career Prospects

Employers value proactive individuals who take charge of their own development. Completing online courses during the summer demonstrates initiative and a commitment to growth, traits highly regarded in any professional setting. CEU certificates from The School of Global Citizenry can enhance your resume, making you a more attractive candidate for promotions or new job opportunities.

#6 - Create a Balance Between Learning and Leisure

The beauty of on-demand learning is that it doesn’t have to overshadow your summer fun. You can balance learning with leisure, perhaps spending a morning on a course and the afternoon at the beach. This balance can lead to a more fulfilling summer, where you return to your regular schedule feeling both refreshed and accomplished.

#7 - Prepare for the Future

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Understanding global issues, cultural nuances, and sustainable practices is becoming essential for personal and professional success. Our courses are designed to foster a global mindset, preparing you to navigate and contribute to a rapidly changing world.

#8 - Join a Community of Lifelong Learners

When you engage in our online learning community, you join a network of like-minded individuals committed to lifelong learning, personal growth, and global engagement. Share insights, collaborate on projects, and build connections that can last a lifetime. The sense of community and shared purpose can be incredibly motivating and enriching.

Take the Next Step with The School of Global Citizenry

Ready to make this summer your most productive yet? Explore the scheduled and self-paced courses available at The School of Global Citizenry. Our platform is tailored to provide you with the resources and support needed to succeed in your educational journey, no matter where you are or what your goals may be.

Visit us today at [] and discover how our courses can transform your summer into a season of growth and learning.